You Look.

46 media covered the story inc. The Independent, The Sun. 173k Instagram story views of poems on PlayStation’s UK channels and overall delivered 4.3m social impressions.

You Care.

11k social engagements with contributors to the book posting about how honoured they were to be part of the launch for a game they love.

You Look.

46 media covered the story inc. The Independent, The Sun. 173k Instagram story views of poems on PlayStation’s UK channels and overall delivered 4.3m social impressions.

You Care.

11k social engagements with contributors to the book posting about how honoured they were to be part of the launch for a game they love.

You Look.

46 media covered the story inc. The Independent, The Sun. 173k Instagram story views of poems on PlayStation’s UK channels and overall delivered 4.3m social impressions.

You Care.

11k social engagements with contributors to the book posting about how honoured they were to be part of the launch for a game they love.

You Look.

46 media covered the story inc. The Independent, The Sun. 173k Instagram story views of poems on PlayStation’s UK channels and overall delivered 4.3m social impressions.

You Care.

11k social engagements with contributors to the book posting about how honoured they were to be part of the launch for a game they love.
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